Movie Genres


One or more heroes must overcome a series of deadly tasks in action movies, which include:

Physical prowess

Longer fights

Stunts on a grand scale

Car chases in a frenzy

Rescues \sBattles


Floods, explosions, flames, and other catastrophic calamities

Adventure\s 2 dimensional ‘good’ heroes / heroines against. dimensional ‘evil’ people

In most cases, the plot and character development come second. These films are fast-paced and clearly distinguish between good and evil. Furthermore, action films nearly usually have a “ticking clock” storey element, in which the protagonist must complete a task (disarm a bomb, save a VIP, etc.) before time runs out.

Expectations of the Audience:

There is a clear line between good and evil, and there is a lot of combat and set pieces.


Comedy is one of the oldest and most popular film genres to make people laugh through exaggerating situations, relationships, characters, action, or language. Most comedies have a happy ending (the exception being Dark comedies).

Expectations of the Audience:

Romance tales are lighthearted and entertaining.

Casts that work together

Comedies can be classified into the following categories:

Slapstick humour: The first person who comes to mind when thinking about this sub-genre of comedy is Charlie Chaplin, one of the silent era’s pioneers. Slapstick has roots in theatre plays and vaudeville and has evolved. Recent films like Jim Carrey’s The Mask and Liar Liar require little or no discussion yet are still popular.

Romantic comedy: This film genre examines the challenges of a person seeking a new relationship in lighthearted surroundings. In these films, the humour is mainly conversational or situational. Screwball comedies from the 1930s and 1940s influenced this style of comedy. The Philadelphia Story, featuring Katharine Hepburn and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson, are two well-known instances of this sub-genre.

Action Comedy is a sub-genre that combines action scenes with comedic outcomes. Charlie’s Angels (2000), starring Drew Barrymore, and several Jackie Chan films, notably The Spy Next Door, are examples (2010).

Dark humour, often known as a dark comedy, makes light of serious subjects such as war and death. Following World War II, it became popular in the 1940s and 1950s. This genre is said to have aided humans in dealing with difficult situations. Dr Strangelove, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is one of the finest films in this genre.

Buddy Comedy: This sub-genre is defined by two people going through a sequence of amusing incidents together. Rush Hour or Harold & Kumar are two examples of this subgenre. Visit White Castle.